Channel: Les Studios de Paris
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Retour en arrière sur “Play-Back”, le dernier projet de rénovation des Studios


Des papier-peints anglais, une affiche d’époque du théâtre des Champs Elysées  et des chaises vintage des années 70 sont les ingrédients de Play-Back, le dernier projet de rénovation des Studios. Notre équipe de designers expérimentés, menée par Jean-Christophe Peyrieux, est là pour vous prouver que rien n’est impossible lorsqu’il s’agit de créer un univers et une ambiance sur mesure pour votre appartement.

Play-Back apartment lounge. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris
Play-Back apartment lounge. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Achevé en Janvier 2013, Play-Back est le dernier projet de rénovation des Studios. Entièrement rénové et décoré par notre designer Jean-Christophe Peyrieux, cet appartement lumineux et calme comporte une chambre et peut accueillir confortablement  3 à 4 personnes. Sophistiqué, chic et confortable, Play-Back est un mélange réussi d’éléments d’époque efficacement intégrés dans un cadre contemporain. Sa palette de couleurs tonique et sobre inspire chaleur et confort et crée une atmosphère intimiste.

Play-Back detail. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris
Play-Back detail. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

 A la pointe des tendances déco de 2013, Play-Back comporte de nombreux objets faits main ou astucieusement détournés de leur fonction première. Ces éléments de grande qualité sont comme une touche de fraîcheur ajoutée au style racé de l’appartement. Les chaises anciennes et leurs coussins de cuir retravaillés à la main font la part belle à la créativité. Le modernisme organique de l’espace, tenu en respect par l’apparence naturelle de l’ensemble, prouve que le confort chic est la tendance forte de la saison.

The Play-Back jazzy bedroom. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris
The Play-Back jazzy bedroom. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Muni d’une cuisine entièrement équipée, d’un salon avec une télévision, des chaînes internationales et d’un accès Internet à haut débit, l’appartement dispose d’une chambre principale lumineuse et spacieuse avec une salle de douche attenante, d’une armoire-dressing et d’un coin bureau avec une fenêtre.

Your lovely office space by the window. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris
Your lovely office space by the window. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Situé au cœur du quartier romantique de Montmartre, juste à côté des vignobles uniques et de la Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, Play-Back est à seulement quelques stations de métro du centre-ville et des principaux sites touristiques parisiens.

Le designer de Play-Back, Jean-Christophe  Peyrieux, nous livre quelques détails sur son inspiration et ses choix de décoration.

Le style de Play-Back se rattache-t-il à un genre de décoration d’intérieur en particulier ?

Ces derniers temps, plutôt que d’imposer un style uni, j’ai été attiré par l’idée d’appartements meublés et décorés d’une diversité d’objets ayant chacun leur propre histoire. Il peut s’agir de pièces dont vous avez hérité, ou d’éléments avec lesquels vous avez pour habitude de partager votre habitat, ou simplement de choses dont vous vous piquez. A Play-Back, chaque meuble a été choisi individuellement, et tous n’ont pas nécessairement le même style. Nous voulions être entourés de meubles ou accessoires porteurs de sens, qui donnent le sourire et créent une atmosphère chaleureuse. Au fond, si votre appartement est meublé d’objets que vous aimez, quelle importance y a-t-il à ce qu’ils ne soient pas tous du même style ?

Comment avez-vous créé l’aspect visuel et l’ambiance de Play-Back ?

J’aime le mélange 50s-70s, avec une atmosphère moderne et chic caractérisant l’ensemble. L’appartement a une certaine élégance avec son plancher en bois sombre et ses cadres en bois aux murs, que j’ai pris en compte lors du choix du papier peint. Au fond, je souhaitais avant tout que l’on se sente chez quelqu’un, et non pris dans un rêve de designer. Le propriétaire m’a donné carte blanche, ce qui m’a permis de créer quelque chose d’à la fois original et personnel.

Comment s’est déroulé le chantier ?

Je ne disposais pas d’un gros budget et je voulais faire quelque chose d’original, donc j’ai acheté des meubles pas cher sur Internet et dans des marchés aux puces. Je les ai tous réparés, poncés et repeints. Ils forment un ensemble décousu – une table de campagne en chêne, des chaises 70s repeintes, un bureau des années 1940, une table de chevet années 70. Le papier peint de la marque anglaise “Osborne & Little” donne du caractère à l’ensemble et un coup de fouet stylistique à la chambre. Dans le coin bureau, qui est petit mais confortable, l’affiche “Frères Jacques” est un tirage d’époque du Théâtre des Champs Elysées. Ses couleurs donnent parfaitement la réplique aux coussins verts. J’ai fait moi-même les coussins en cuir à partir de pièces brutes achetées à Paris. J’ai utilisé quelques accessoires IKEA (vases, miroirs, cadres) et ai choisi quelques tissus chez ZARA HOME. Play-Back est la preuve tangible que l’on peut faire beaucoup avec des moyens modestes.

Pour qui Play-Back a-t-il été pensé ?

L’appartement est chaleureux et agréable, mais rayonne aussi d’énergie et de dynamisme. Je voulais y adjoindre une touche de sophistication au moyen de quelques éléments vintage. Je pense qu’il plaira autant aux hommes qu’aux femmes, car il est masculin dans son ensemble et féminin dans ses détails…

Quel aspect du nouveau Play-Back vous plaît le plus?

J’aime le papier peint et le cocktail de couleurs brutes, terreuses  - kaki, moutarde, sable, bois foncé et marbre se répondent et confèrent un aspect chaleureux à l’ensemble. La cuisine est petite, mais parfaitement équipée. Nous avons réussi à tout y mettre – four, micro-ondes, réfrigérateur, lave-vaisselle et tout le petit électroménager. Le point fort de cet appartement de 38m² est qu’il possède toutes les caractéristiques d’un appartement beaucoup plus grand – une vraie entrée, une cuisine séparée, un WC séparé avec lavabo, un salon et une salle à manger, une grande chambre avec une salle de bain, une douche à l’italienne, et, pour le rangement, des armoires, un dressing et même un petit espace de bureau. Ma pièce préférée est la chambre à coucher – j’ai acheté les appliques murales pas cher chez Castorama puis les ai modifiées afin qu’elles aient le câble et l’interrupteur sur le côté. J’aime la touche de vert clair et de jaune qui souligne le raffinement du papier peint.

Vous voulez louer Play-Back ? Contactez bookings@studiosparis.net

Vous avez un projet de location et/ou de rénovation ? Contactez design@studiosparis.net

L’appartement Turquoise : de la Musique et du Chocolat



Aux  Studios de Paris, nos propriétaires sont PROTESTATAIRES partenaires. Ils savent qu’ils peuvent compter sur nous pour optimiser la location de leur appartement et nous savons en retour que nous pouvons compter sur eux. Leur goût pour l’esthétisme et la créativité les poussent à favoriser une expérience singulière et à tout faire pour rendre inoubliable le séjour de nos clients.

Le propriétaire de l’appartement Turquoise,  M. Julien Dupont, est violoniste professionnel à l’Opéra de Melbourne et membre de la communauté des Studios de Paris.

Mr. Dupont in action
M. Dupont en pleine action

Artiste et créateur, Julien appartient à l’univers des Studios de Paris. Il aime prendre soin de ses locataires et faire en sorte que leur séjour se passe agréablement. Comme la plupart de nos propriétaires il vient souvent à l’agence pour échanger nos idées  et améliorer l’accueil des clients par des services complémentaires.

Faites connaissance avec Julien et découvrez ce qui le lie aux Studios de Paris…

Qui êtes-vous ?

Je suis originaire de Grenoble dans les Alpes où j’ai passé toute ma jeunesse avant d’aller à étudier le violon à Lyon quand j’étais adolescent. J’ai vécu et étudié dans quelques villes européennes (Bruxelles, Venise et Amsterdam) et suis arrivé en Australie en 2004. J’ai rencontré mon épouse australienne en Allemagne où elle était danseuse de ballet et nous avons décidé de venir faire carrière à l’autre bout du monde. Nous nous sommes d’abord installés quelques années à Sydney, puis à Melbourne où je travaille maintenant. J’enseigne à l’Université et suis membre de l’Orchestre Victoria, ainsi que des orchestres d’opéra et de ballet de la ville.

Melbourne's Orchestra Victoria
Melbourne’s Orchestra Victoria

Vous êtes chocolatier et violoniste dans l’orchestre de Melbourne. Comment conjuguez-vous ces deux passions ?

Eh bien, je ne suis pas un chocolatier professionnel, mais un simple amateur. Je dois tout ce que je sais aux dures leçons de cuisine prises à Melbourne ! Par ailleurs, en plus d’être musicien, j’aime la nourriture et le vin (je suis très Français, au fond !) A l’Orchestre Victoria, nous organisons un concours annuel de confiseries entre les musiciens.  A chaque entracte, chacun d’entre nous offre aux autres une douceur faite maison. Ce concours a en général lieu pendant une saison de longs ballets tels que “La Belle au Bois Dormant” ou le “Lac des Cygnes”. Jouer de tels ballets est long et fatiguant, et prendre le temps de goûter à toutes ces bonnes choses nous détend.  Au cours des 4 dernières années, j’ai fini trois fois premier en faisant du chocolat et des desserts français! L’orchestre se compose d’environ 70 musiciens, donc cuisiner pour tout le monde prend du temps, surtout pour un simple amateur! C’est cependant très amusant et ça contribue à détendre l’ambiance, comme quand je cuisine aux Studios avec Jym, votre chef cuisinier !

La musique et le chocolat sont vos passions. Mais vous avez aussi un faible pour  ”Turquoise”, votre appartement à Paris. Parlez-nous-en un peu.

J’ai acheté Turquoise fin 2011. La réflexion fut courte. Situé dans une rue calme de la Butte Montmartre (mon quartier préféré à Paris), au premier étage, donnant sur une cour tranquille, nous avons tout de suite adoré l’appartement. Sa grande chambre permet de se remettre du jet-lag et l’appartement offre tout le confort nécessaire. Tous ceux qui y ont séjourné ont beaucoup apprécié son atmosphère.

Je me souviens de la dernière nuit que j’ai passée à Paris en janvier dernier, de ce moment magique quand, me dirigeant vers la Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, j’arpentais les rues désertes et voyais les gens partager un moment convivial à l’intérieur des cafés ou des maisons. Je me rappelle avoir monté les escaliers de la rue Chappe en sentant la neige tomber sur mes épaules. C’était un moment magique, que beaucoup peuvent imaginer mais que peu de gens ont la chance de vivre…

Turquoise bedroom
La chambre de Turquoise

A qui Turquoise peut-il convenir ?

Nous avons beaucoup réfléchi  comment aménager l’appartement pour qu’il convienne aussi bien à quelqu’un qui resterait quelques jours qu’à quelqu’un qui y séjournerait plus longtemps. La décoration de notre appartement de Melbourne est inspirée par l’art déco et nous voulions une atmosphère un peu similaire à Turquoise, à la fois chaleureuse et moderne : un beau parquet, des murs clairs, des affiches du Moulin Rouge, une cuisine astucieusement aménagée, etc. Je dirais que Turquoise est un excellent choix pour les couples, pourquoi pas avec un enfant en bas âge. J’y ai passé beaucoup de temps et ai pu apprécier son calme, donc je pense que c’est un bon choix si vous avez un travail stressant.

Turquoise kitchen
La cuisine de Turquoise

Comment avez-vous choisi de travailler avec Les Studios ? 

Les Studios m’ont été recommandés par l’agent qui nous a vendu l’appartement et j’ai été agréablement surpris  d’être presque leur voisin ! L’équipe est compétente, fiable, et les locataires sont toujours accueillis avec le sourire. Pouvoir parler à l’équipe en trois langues différentes est pratique et agréable. Je ne pouvais pas m’attarder en France et ne voulais donc pas traiter avec une agence classique, et l’équipe des Studios a été très rapide et efficace! Passer du temps avec eux et apprendre à en connaître les différents membres a été un plaisir. Avec Jym comme avec les autres, le courant est tout de suite passé : nous nous faisons confiance et je pense que c’est une bonne chose pour la location de Turquoise.


Êtes-vous satisfait du taux de remplissage de Turquoise ?

J’en suis très content. Il y a toujours quelqu’un pour me répondre à l’agence, et les infos circulent rapidement! C’est important de travailler avec des gens fiables, surtout quand on habite à cinq mille kilomètres. L’appartement est pratiquement tout le temps occupé.


Depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous avec cette agence ?

Cela fait maintenant environ un an que nous travaillons ensemble.  Je pense que la qualité de service offerte par les Studios et leur capacité à s’occuper des petits détails (problèmes de connexion internet, clefs, etc.) est un vrai plus. Par ailleurs, les clients déclarent tous avoir été bien reçus. Alors, pourquoi aller voir ailleurs ?

Qu’est-ce qui vous amène à Paris ?

Paris est une ville incroyable. J’aime son histoire et ses trésors architecturaux, bien sûr, mais aussi ses rues et son urbanisme magnifique. Pour ma femme et moi, Paris est un pied-à-terre idéal en France. Pour nous, passer du temps à Paris est synonyme de concerts, d’opéras et de ballets! Un collègue de Melbourne m’a récemment confié qu’il préfère la scène culturelle de Paris à celle de Londres. Quiconque lit l’Officiel des Spectacles en sera convaincu – en ce qui me concerne, je le lis un stylo à la main pour éviter de réserver plusieurs spectacles à la même heure !

Mr. Dupont's Swan Lake-inspired chocolate creations

Mr. Dupont’s Swan Lake-inspired chocolate creations

Quel est votre chocolat préféré ? Quelle est votre morceau de musique favori ? Vont-ils bien ensemble ?

La friandise au chocolat que je préfère est certainement celle que j’avais faite pour le concours de l’orchestre. Nous jouions le “Lac des Cygnes” et cela m’a inspiré. J’ai fait un lac de gélatine bleue (Très Australien !) sur lequel flottaient des petits chocolats en forme de cygnes. J’avais couvert le lac de plumes noires et blanches en référence au dilemme du Prince. J’adore le chocolat, j’adore la musique de Tchaïkovski, et oui, je pense qu’ils allaient bien ensemble! Cette année, nous allons jouer Cendrillon de Prokofiev et j’ai déjà quelques idées pour ma prochaine création chocolatée. A suivre !

Artist and artwork side by side
Artist and artwork side by side

Si vous voulez louer l’appartement Turquoise, merci de nous contacter  via l’adresse bookings@studiosparis.net

Si vous souhaitez mettre en location votre appartement avec nous veuillez nous contacter ici.

L’exposition de Mechthild Kalisky dans la galerie d’art des Studios de Paris


La dompteuse de pierres

Les Studios de Paris sont heureux de présenter le dernier manifesto créatif de la sculptrice Mechthild Kalisky, intitulé « L’immatériel à travers le matériel ». L’exposition comprend des objets et images détachés de leur contexte quotidien mettant ainsi en question leur statut et signification présumés. En investiguant des thèmes comme l’identité, l’histoire, la soif de vivre, l’exposition défie l’approche classique envers la sculpture en remettant en scène des œuvres d’art détournées qui créent des réalités nouvelles.

Eva Léandre et l’équipe des Studios de Paris ont le plaisir de vous inviter à l’exposition de Mechthild Kalisky, Sculpteur. Du 21 mars 2013 au 21 mai 2013 à notre galerie au 2 rue Androuet, 75018 Paris. Vernissage le 21 mars 2013 de 18 heures à 21 heures.

Eva Léandre et l’équipe des Studios de Paris ont le plaisir de vous inviter à l’exposition de Mechthild Kalisky, Sculpteur. Du 21 mars 2013 au 21 mai 2013 à notre galerie au 2 rue Androuet, 75018 Paris. Vernissage le 21 mars 2013 de 18 heures à 21 heures.

Frappée par la qualité expressionniste de la collection intitulée : « Le bruit que font les morts quand ils se retournent dans leur tombe » (qui investit un sujet universel mais rarement traité avec une interprétation aussi forte et graphique de « la vie entre deux vies »), Eva Léandre, directrice des Studios de Paris et de leur galerie d’art explique pourquoi elle a choisi le monde de Mechthild Kalisky :

« Tout d’abord parce que Mechthild est une femme dont émanent une légèreté et une délicatesse telles que se trouver dans son espace est comme un bol de poésie, un répit du monde tel que nous le connaissons.

« J’aime l’élégance et la qualité onirique de ses sculptures et installations en marbre et en granite qui semblent défier la gravité et dématérialiser la pierre même qui les constitue.

« La vocation de notre galerie est de reconnecter Montmartre avec sa tradition d’art contemporain majeur. »

Née à Leipzig en Allemagne mais devenue française depuis longtemps, Kalisky a étudié aux Académies des Beaux Arts, de Bruxelles, Munich et Berlin avant de s’installer à Paris. Elle a fait de nombreuses expositions en France et en Europe.

L’artiste travaille essentiellement la pierre, le marbre et le granit et pourtant ce qu’elle montre ici en-dehors d’un grand Bas-relief en marbre de Carrare, ce sont des sérigraphies sur marbre (à partir de photographies) et des chemises en feuille de plomb…travail sans ciseau donc !

Mechthild Kalisky (on the right) during an exhibition

Les sérigraphies sur de minces écrans de marbre de Carrare font partie d’une installation avec bande sonore,-hélas impossible à installer ici: “le bruit que font les morts en se retournant dans leur tombe.”


On y découvre les fragments de corps d’hommes portant de lourds fardeaux sur la nuque, leur vêtement collé à la peau en sueur et des torses de femmes relevant leurs seins comme le poids de leur féminité.

The lead shirts and the silkscreens to be shown in Les Studios' exhibition

Ces images inspirées des photos de Salgado, de ces mineurs escaladant des cratères chargés de sacs de terre, rappellent la friabilité de nos corps.

Pourtant, ces stèles ne sont aucunement morbides! Notre corps n’est-il pas lui même le vêtement usé qu’il nous faut quitter un jour et dont les particules se mettent en mouvement sous quelque forme que ce soit ?

Pourquoi ne pas entendre un bruissement dans un cimetière?

Les chemises en feuille de plomb exposées, gardent, elles aussi, l’empreinte du corps. Elles rappellent le sens que la chemise a toujours revêtue : le tronc, le coeur couvert (par la chemise rouge des Garibaldiens, la noire des Fascistes, la brune des Nazis !) Le Plomb, lui, ne laissera pas passer les rayons néfastes… le plomb, c’est le ‘vil métal’ du Moyen-Age aussi, à côté de l’argent et de l’or.

The lead shirts

The lead shirts

Certains croient que notre âme va s’envoler, laissant la corps là-bas comme un vieux vêtement…d’autres pensent que notre esprit est l’habitant de chaque nano-particule, que l’âme n’existe pas! Des balivernes tout à fait !

Vous pourriez aussi bien croire que vous allez un jour vous retourner dans votre tombe !

Visitez son site: http://mechthild.kalisky./free.fr

When the curtain rises…


A visit to Montmartre’s legendary Theatre Galabru

Behind its red curtains, there’s laughter and joy, emotion and desire, will and passion, but also… funk and stage fright, some monstrous mess and a troupe of eternal rhapsodists always eager to venture into the intriguing chaos of a brave new world! Let’s add some drama to our lives and conquer the scene of the legendary Théâtre Montmartre-Galabru.


Theatre! Oh, the magic!

All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players…

…a wise man once said.

Inspired by his wisdom and as a way to commemorate the 52nd edition of the World Theatre Day annually celebrated on March 27, we chose to tell you the story of one special theatre in Montmartre.

Founded in 1850 by Renée Maubel, it has seen big celebrities perform on its stage, among which Raimu, Frehel and Fresnay. During the 70s, after an intense and powerful period, the theater was however abandoned. In 1984, actor Michel Galabru decided to buy this forlorn temple of Melpomena and have it rebuilt. At the time, what was left of it was just a shed and a pile of rubble. After some arrangements, the theater renamed ‘Montmartre Galabru’ became a friendly and pleasant place with original, innovative and varied programming, offering comedies, one-man shows musicals and children shows.

The entrance and the street of Montmarte's Theatre Galabru

The entrance and the street of Montmarte’s Theatre Galabru

Today this is the place to meet some unique characters (“A Role For Two and a Half Actresses”), to pose some awkward questions (“How to pass your boyfriend to your best friend?”), to join a humoristic lab (“Le Bordel Club”), to cause a revolution (“Roberta”) or to survive an explosion (“ImproRock”)!

In other words, it’s a journey worth taking.

Michel Galabru, the man who revived this scene and made the journey possible, needs little introducing.

Over the course of his career, he appeared in over 200 movies and worked with renowned directors such as Jean-Luc Godard, Luc Besson, Bertrand Blier. A Cesar award winner for best actor and a Molière award winner for best comedian, Galabru is also known for his collaborations with the eternal comedian Louis de Funès.

Michel Galabru

Michel Galabru

While practicing the acting craft both on the stage and on screen, Galabru has been transmitting his knowledge since the early 1980s. His acting master class – a drama course, which took place at the Théâtre Montmartre Galabru, the Variety Theatre and nowadays in the prestigious Theatre du Gymnase – is his way of staying in touch with the artists of today.

“Teaching others means understanding yourself”, says Monsieur Galabru.

His direct and simple approach has instructed, helped and encouraged many young talents. And if you asked why he was doing this, he would say that transmitting art, knowledge and experience is an integral part of his mission as an actor.

The red velvety salon of Theatre Galabru

The red velvety salon of Theatre Galabru

Now, if you want to be a comedian for a day, you know where to go to.

Like his son Jean Galabru says, being an actor is about showing our fellow human beings what they are, what we are. The journey is a bit risky sometimes, but it’s just as crucial.  For,

Without actors and without theatre, our society wouldn’t be able to look at itself anymore. And if we’re incapable of seeing ourselves, we’re not far off from disappearing…

The Stone Tamer


On sculptor Mechthild Kalisky’s latest exhibition in Les Studios de Paris’ Art Gallery

Les Studios de Paris’ Art Gallery is delighted to present sculptor Mechthild Kalisky’s latest creative manifesto.  In “The immaterial through the material”, objects and images are detached from their everyday context, their presumed status and meaning being thus questioned. Investigating themes such as identity, history, freedom and zest for life, the exposition challenges the classical approach to sculpture by re-staging traditional artworks and offering a sense of a new uncommon universe.

Eva Léandre et l’équipe des Studios de Paris ont le plaisir de vous inviter à l’exposition de Mechthild Kalisky, Sculpteur. Du 21 mars 2013 au 21 mai 2013 à notre galerie au 2 rue Androuet, 75018 Paris. Vernissage le 21 mars 2013 de 18 heures à 21 heures.

Eva Léandre and the Studios Paris team are happy to invite you to the exhibition of sculptor Mechthild Kalisky. From 21st March to 21st May 2013 at our art gallery, located 2 rue Androuet, 75018 Paris. Vernissage March 21st, 2013 from 6 to 9pm.

Mechthild Kalisky (on the right) during an exhibition

Mechthild Kalisky (on the right) during an exhibition

Struck by the expressionist quality of “The noise of the dead when they turn around in their graves” (an exhibition which invests a universal yet rarely confronted subject with a gutsy, graphic interpretation of ‘life between lifetimes’), Eva Léandre, Les Studios’ CEO and exhibition curator, gives her reasons for presenting the world of Mechthild Kalisky in Les Studios’ Art Gallery:

“I selected the works of Mechthild for the Studios’ spring exhibition because she is a lady with a wave-length so subtle that being in her space is like taking a holiday from the world as we know it. Light as a butterfly yet deeply concerned, caring and compassionate, I love the elegance and oneiric quality of her marble and granite sculptures and installations which seem to defy gravity and dematerialize the very stone they are made of into a chiseled, yet meaningful nothingness. Our gallery’s vocation is to reconnect Montmartre with its tradition of a fertile breeding ground for major art. We are proud to present the works of Mechthild Kalisky.”  

Born in Leipzig, Germany, but turned Parisian by chance, Mechthild Kalisky studied at different Academies for Fine Arts in Brussels, Munich (the Kunstakademie), Salzbourg (Sommerakademie) and Berlin (HFBK). She left Germany to live and work in Belgium, India and Italy, but settled for Paris in 1974, where she raised her two children and opened a studio in Belleville in 1984.

Specialized in conceptual art and symbolic abstractions, she works essentially with marble and granite, sculpting bas-reliefs or creating art installations. Her artworks have been displayed in many  galleries in France and Europe, among which the Musée d’Art Moderne de Bruxelles, Centre Pompidou, Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the I.B.A. in Berlin, the Expo Olivetti in Bruxelles and many others.

Mechthild's world goes beyond the obvious

Mechthild’s world goes beyond the obvious

Lyrical, ironical, insightful and serious, Mechthild presents her own take on “the art of revealing the Immaterial through the material” in Les Studios’ latest exhibition.

Her tempest of particles

Her tempest of particles

You create life with your bare hands. How does it feel?

To ‘work with your bare hands’ is quite mythical, a dream for many people… This very human impulse makes perfect sense when you observe little children playing in the mud, shaping clay with their hands. That’s my story, it happened to me when I was twelve. I got a tiny piece of modeling clay and held it for 3 days sculpting my left hand with my right one! Many years later, when polishing my sculptures, came those perfect moments of meditation… But the so called ‘inspiration’ is a secret that reveals itself whenever it wants – in the train, in a dream or perhaps even in the kitchen while cooking!

The artist in her atelier

The artist in her atelier

What’s the most challenging material you’ve “tamed” in your sculptor’s work so far?

I’ve sculpted granite, marble, plaster, bronze and lead, but I’ve always considered stone like a sort of a challenge, probably because I am a woman. Yet this passion of mine has a price to pay in means of my ruined back and hands.

Rendez-vous des parallèles

Rendez-vous des parallèles

How did you connect with Les Studios? What inspired you to exhibit with us?

I found Les Studios’ lovely art gallery through a friend and am delighted to show some of my works here. I love Montmartre and I can sense the inspiring history of so many precious artists and poets who left their traces here! As for my exhibition with Les Studios, I see it as an exciting adventure. The advantage of displaying my works with Les Studios will give me the opportunity to connect and communicate with the visitors, which was impossible in my last two exhibitions in Sweden and Poland, as I did not speak the language.

The melting piano by Mechthild Kalisky

The melting piano by Mechthild Kalisky

What can our visitors expect to see/experience in Les Studios’ exhibition? 

The silkscreens on marble as well as the lead shirts shown in Les Studios’ exhibition are quite exceptional in my work. During their creation, no chisel or stonecutting has been used; they’re just manipulated photographs and lead. In fact, those 4 shield-shaped pieces of marble are part of an installation (enriched with a soundtrack which is unfortunately impossible to install in the gallery) of 13 pieces called: “The noise of the dead when they turn around in their graves”. Although it sounds a bit grim, there is certainly nothing morbid about it! It’s actually quite a curious topic to ponder upon so I decided to interpret it. Some believe that our soul flies off, leaving the body behind like an old garment. Others think that that there is no soul but that our our spirit is the inhabitant of every nano-particle around us. You might as well accept that some roll over in despair in their graves!


The silkscreens on marble

Quite ironically, I said to myself that there must be a lot of poetic noise in a cemetery. That is why when I found those white marble shields in Carrara, I saved them, because to me they represented human bodies over which I applied the serigraphics-silkscreen-prints. Initially it was a picture by Salgado: the dramatic sweating human bodies of gold-miners in Brazil climbing out of a huge crater with burdens of earth on their neck. Then I took pictures of women, holding the burden of their breasts making a pair. There are so many different associations entering into the creative process…

The lead shirts and the silkscreens to be shown in Les Studios' exhibition

The lead shirts and the silkscreens to be shown in Les Studios’ exhibition

The lead shirts, the other artworks to be displayed in the exhibition, have been folded with very thin sheets of lead. In the Middle-Age, lead was called “the ugly metal”, in contrast to gold, and yet today it protects us from fatal rays. The image of the shirt is rich in symbolic meaning – we have our “last shirt” (mainly white), then there were the “red shirts” of the Garibaldians in Italy, the Fascists’ “black shirts”, the Nazis’ “brown shirts”… The lead shirts might be a replica to all that, but they also have another very symbolic importance, as something covering our heart…

The lead shirts

The lead shirts

Do you have a preferred topic you like to explore in your work?

I know that most of my stone-sculpture is a craving for aliveness, air, breathing, space…  For instance, I once made 3 tall ladders in white marble, just leading to the sky, symbolizing the eternal human whim to climb up and up…  

Unlike Pascal, the eternal silence of infinite spaces does not terrify Mechthild. (Spikes made by Indian granite)

Unlike Pascal, the eternal silence of infinite spaces does not terrify Mechthild. (Spikes made by Indian granite)

“The immaterial through the material” is on view at Les Studios de Paris’ Art Gallery from 21 March to 21 May, 2013.

Anyone interested in the field of sculpture is cordially invited to our opening reception which will take place on Thursday 21st March from 18h to 21h on the Hill of Montmartre 2, Rue d’Androuet.

M comme “marché”


Looking for a quintessentially French shopping experience in a locally-flavored setting? Then here’s your ticket to the dazzling extravaganza of a typical Parisian market. Showcasing a world of possibilities – from vintage toys and fresh food to antique furniture, blooming flowers and original artworks – you’ll find pretty much everything in the Parisian “marché”, this uncovered boutique for ideas.

Compose the puzzle of  Parisian markets!

Compose the puzzle of Parisian markets!

The meaning:                   marché = market

The philosophy:             

Each Parisian neighbourhood has its own “flying market”– an improbable space where hundreds of stalls mysteriously appear each week for a morning or two. Whether you’re after fine art, weird bric-a-brac or regional bio delicacies, in Paris there’s a market for everybody! No trip to the capital would be replete without a tour through these dynamic labyrinths. Allow yourself time to absorb the vibe and get magically lost in these western bazaars where you can come across the perfect souvenir to take home with you.

Marché de Grenelle, under the metro. Picture: Wikipedia

Fresh eggs and raw fish at Marché de Grenelle, under the metro. Picture: Wikipedia

The history:                      

The Parisian markets date back to the 5th century when Paris was still called Lutetia and its first market, located in the Ile de la Cité district, was named “Palu”. As a space to exchange both goods and ideas, the market-place continued to blossom up till 1860 when 51 markets could be numbered. With the boost of consumption trends and needs, today Paris comprises more than 90 markets coming in all shapes and sizes.

Trick or treat? Fresh picks from the garden

Trick or treat? Fresh picks from the garden

The curious fact:             

Opened in 1628, Le Marché des Enfants Rouges (The Red Kids’ Market) remains the oldest covered market in Paris, curiously named after a hospice for orphans wearing red uniforms. What makes it stand out from the rest of the “market crowd” is the varied number of stalls, selling traditional French, Japanese, West Indian, North African, Italian, Moroccan or organic food, where you can pick your flavour and dig in, just like in Barcelona’s famous Boqueria market.

(*Marché des Enfants Rouges is at 39, rue de Bretagne (Tuesday-Sunday: 8:30-19:30, Sunday 8:30-14:00, closed Monday)

The variety:                      

Open-air or covered, Paris’ eclectic markets bring colour to your day and give you a chance to live life as a local. Food-wise, a stop by the Marché Bastille will take you to France’s best products. If you’re interested in “100 % organic and natural” goods, you can find cheese, olive oil, honey and even goat milk soap in the Marché bio des Batignolles.

(*Marché Bastille is at Boulevard Richard Lenoir (between Rue Amelot and Rue  Saint-Sabin); Thursday 7:00-14:30, Sunday – 7:00-15:00)

(*Marché bio des Batignolles is at 34, boulevard des Batignolles; Saturday – 9:00-15:00)

Marché bio des Batignolles

Marché bio des Batignolles

Outdoor galleries or art markets are another of Paris’ specialties.  Located near the Edgar Quinet Metro station, the Marché de la Creation de Paris Montparnasse is one of the best of its kind. Surrounded by paintings, sculptures, jewelry, photos, ceramics and other creative pieces, this is the place for art lovers to meet artists.

If you crave something more exotic and less traditional, then a journey to the Marché Déjean is a total picture-changer. The bustling bazaar of this unofficial African/Arabian market will tempt you with its dead-hot chili peppers, rare spices, exotic fruits and passer-bys in colourful traditional attire…

(*Marché de la Creation de Paris Montparnasse is at Boulevard Edgar Quinet (central divider strip), Sunday 9:00-19:30)

(*Marché Déjean is at Rue Dejean. Open every day, except Sunday afternoon and Monday. Other neighboring streets worth exploring: Doudeauville, Poulet, Myrha, des Poissonniers)

Spice up your life with the treats from the African market

Spice up your life with the treats from the African market

Not to be missed:          

If serendipity is your thing, you should hit the “puces”. Plentiful in Paris, the city flea markets are the place to go to if you relish treasure hunting. Considered the city’s best and advertised as one of the world’s largest, the St. Ouen market is an inspiring destination to discover every conceivable (and inconceivable!) type of item.

A traditional Parisian flea market

A traditional Parisian flea market

A pre-war pocket watch, a  dusty gramophone, a vintage tea set, an old-fashioned pipe or a turn of the century cigarette case – all the props you need to create that magical aura around you are to found here…

(*Marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen is at Avenue de la Porte de Clignancourt (between rue Binet and Boulevard périphérique), Monday, Sunday and Saturday – 7:00-19:30)

A vintage travel gear seller at the marché Dauphine. Picture: Wikimedia commons

A vintage travel gear seller at the marché Dauphine. Picture: Wikimedia commons

Shhhhh… People Reading!


Feel like flipping through Marquise de Sade’s prison dossier or calming yourself with a Nordic fairytale? Our journey through the book-lined corridors of Parisian libraries will take you to some of the city’s most unexpected public spaces.  So the next time you feel like idling away the afternoon in the pleasant company of a compelling book, why not do it in the cinematic setting of green-shaded library lamps, monogram-carved wooden doors and Rocaille style chandeliers?

Old books. Picture: Wikimedia

Old books. Picture: Wikimedia

From picturesque old bookstores to literary hotels, cafés, libraries and museums, Paris is a genuine bibliophile’s dream come true. If you’re a book lover visiting or living in this magnificent city, libraries are a great place to start your pilgrimage.

Overflowing with architectural grandeur comprising over five centuries of craftsmanship, the opulence of French libraries is a reflection of an époque when Literature played first fiddle and great classics were venerated with exquisite reading rooms matching their high rank in society.

With their rare collections, Paris’ specialized libraries constitute an exceptional documentary network. Open to the general public, they offer access to a unique literary heritage in extremely diverse domains, such as architecture and urbanism; film, TV and video art; law and social sciences; art and literary history, youth literature, music, theater, tourism and travel.

Pink, trendy and high-tech,  Francois Truffaut is the library dedicated to all things cinema, video and TV

Pink, trendy and high-tech, Francois Truffaut is the library dedicated to all things cinema, video and TV

You can even take your child to a book reading, choose a debate to exchange ideas, meet a favourite author or see a free exhibition, to name but a few of the organized activities waiting for you there.

Adults or children, locals or not, today Parisian libraries are open to anyone. To subscribe, just bring a valid ID card to a library of your choice. Borrowing books, magazines, comics, partitions, audio books and grammar guides is free of charge.  You’ll need to pay an annual fee of 30,50 euros for CDs and  61 euros if you want to borrow DVDs. Valid for one year from the date of registration, your card gives you access to over 3.5 million items. It can also help you view your online account, make searches or reservations or prolong your books’ return dates. You can borrow up to 40 documents from all Parisian libraries at one time, as long as you return them in 3 weeks.

The ambiance of a Parisian library

The ambiance of a Parisian library. Picture: paris.fr

Now if all this seems too good to be true and you hesitate what to start with, we know just where to take you with our library top picks list. The city having sheltered some of the world’s top philosophers, poets and playwrights, boasts libraries that live up to the glory of its readers.


Across the Seine on the Quai de Conti, Bibliothèque Mazarine is, proudly, the oldest public library in France. Founded in 1643 by Cardinal Mazarin, its interior carries you back to the 17th century.  Armed with notepads or laptops, researches sit in the L-shaped reading room encircled by Corinthian columns, leather-topped tables, Rocaille style chandeliers and antique busts to dialogue with (take your pick between the Roman emperors, American governors and French counts). Being inside is so breathtakingly beautiful that the act of “distracting” yourself with a book actually seems like a crime to aesthetics…

Reading Room of the Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris. Picture: Marie-Lan Nguyen, Creative Commons

Reading Room of the Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris. Picture: Marie-Lan Nguyen, Creative Commons

Bibliothèque Mazarine is located at 23, Quai de Conti. Reading room open Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A pass for five consecutive days is free; an annual subscription costs 15 euro, a valid document and two pictures needed.


Boasting more than one million volumes in the general collection and a rare book and manuscript division, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève’s main attraction, however, remains the famed Labrouste Reading Room. When opened in 1850, its design was revolutionary. The slender cast-iron columns running down the center of the room give the space a floating airiness with specific charm.  On a sunny day, beams of light coming from the windows facing the Panthéon fondle the heads of industrious readers. In more inclement weather, the beautiful green-shaded lamps cozy up the space, making it one of the most glorious interiors in Paris.

Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve. The Labrouste Reading Room. Picture: Marie-Lan Nguyen, Creative Commons

Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve. The Labrouste Reading Room. Picture: Marie-Lan Nguyen, Creative Commons

Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève is at 10, Place du Panthéon. Open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m to 10 p.m. You will be issued a permanent subscription card free of charge.


One of the most beautiful and photographed libraries in the world, this is the repository of everything published in France, amounting to more than 10 million volumes and manuscripts. With its glass ceiling and nine terra-cotta domes opening to the sky, its Oval reading room (La Salle Ovale) is another heavenly corner for busy researchers and common daydreamers alike.

The Oval Reading Room. Picture: lefigaro.fr

The Oval Reading Room. Picture: lefigaro.fr

Bibliothèque Nationale, 58, rue de Richelieu. Reading room open Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 to 7 p.m.


Combine the idea of a quirky fairylike bookshop with yesteryear Parisian charm and this is what you’d get. “Shakespeare & Company”, the most famous Parisian bookshop, is neither a regular library, nor a normal bookstore, but a mix of both.  Its tiny rooms crammed with crooked bookshelves, worn-out chairs, old mirrors, a piano and a wishing well look just like something that jumped out of a book itself. Founded by American expatriate George Whitman in 1951, the store became a hotspot for literary culture in bohemian Paris and was visited by Beat Generation writers and other famous figures, such as Beckett and Hemingway. In this bohemian refuge destitute writers could meet, write and even spend the night in the improvised beds placed between the shelves. Reportedly over 40 000 people have been lodged in the shop over the years. Supposedly, sleeping in the Philosophy section offered the best dreams, yet for many the most desired place remains the double bed in the Romantic section.

But that is another story and shall be told another time…

Shakespeare & Co. front window

Shakespeare & Co. front window

Shakespeare & Co. is at 37, Rue de la Bucherie, just opposite the Notre Dame cathedral. They are opened Monday to Friday from 10am to 11pm;  Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 11pm.

Music, Chocolate and a “Turquoise”…



In the community of Les Studios de Paris, we see apartment owners as partners. Loyal and faithful to us, they trust we will always work as hard as we can to fill their flats and they respect our work while improving Les Studios’ spirit with their own imagination. As people treasuring aesthetics and creativity, our landlords always aim to offer more than just a place to stay against rent, but to create a singular experience or otherwise help make our clients’ stay unforgettable.

Turquoise’s owner Mr. Julien Dupont is a professional violin player in Melbourne’s opera and ballet orchestra and a special member of Les Studios de Paris community of apartment owners.

Mr. Dupont in action

Mr. Dupont in action

An artist and creator himself, Julien is part of Les Studios de Paris universe. A like-minded advocate of our aesthetic philosophy, he is caring towards his tenants and is ever so willing to improve their stay for the better. This is the hallmark of our core group of owners. Always welcome to meet and exchange ideas in our lobby or during one of our special events, we cordially invite them to work together with us on our most cherished project of transforming simple lodging into “more than housing, an aesthetic experience”.

Read about Julien’s life’s passions and his connection with Les Studios in the interview below.

What’s your story?

I am originally from Grenoble in the Alps where I’ve spent all my youth before going to Lyon to study violin as a teenager. I lived in a few European cities as a student (Brussels, Venice and Amsterdam) and came to Australia in 2004. I met my Australian wife in Germany where she was a ballet dancer and we decided to come and try a career for both of us down under. We tried Sydney for a few years, then Melbourne where I now work, teaching students at the University and performing with Orchestra Victoria, the opera and ballet orchestra of Melbourne.

Melbourne's Orchestra Victoria

Melbourne’s Orchestra Victoria

You’re a chocolate maker and a violin player in the Melbourne orchestra. How do these two worlds match?

Well, I am not a professional chocolate maker, but more like an amateur with a few hard-learnt skills achieved through my cooking classes in Melbourne. Now as a musician, I do love food and wine (this may/should be part of how we are defined in the dictionary)! Once a year in Orchestra Victoria we run an Annual Treat Competition between players, which means that during the interval of every performance we take turns in presenting a home-made treat. Usually it happens during a long ballet season like “Sleeping Beauty” or “Swan Lake”. Performing such long and tiring programs each night is pretty tough, so the treats are most welcome during the intervals. In the last 4 years, I finished first in 3 of these annual competitions, cooking chocolates and French-inspired desserts! The orchestra is quite big, about 70 musicians, so cooking for them is actually time consuming, especially for an amateur! Yet this is a fun thing to do and it makes the workplace a very friendly place to be in, just like at Les Studios with your great chef Jym!

Music and chocolate are a passion of yours. But there’s another one we know about. It’s “Turquoise”, your apartment in Paris. Tell us a bit about it. 

I bought Turquoise in late 2011 and it was quite and easy choice to make. Located in a quiet street of Montmartre (which is my favourite Parisian district to live in), on the first floor overlooking a quiet courtyard, we loved the space with its generous bedroom to recover from the jet-lag and all the comfort you need for a relaxing stay in Paris. Everyone who stayed in the apartment found its location and ambiance just perfect. My last night in Paris this January was quite special. I remember this magical moment when you walk in the nearby streets heading to Saint Denis’ basilica, the streets are deserted as people catch up in local cafés or rest at home and you walk up the stairs on rue Chappe with the snow falling quietly on your shoulders. One of these moments that you always wished for but rarely got a chance to experience…

Turquoise bedroom

Turquoise bedroom

Who is Turquoise suitable for? 

We spent a lot of time in Melbourne thinking about what we would like the apartment to be like and how it would suit best short term or long term tenants. We live in an Art Deco apartment in Melbourne and we tried to give a similar mix of “epoque’s” warmth and modern design to Turquoise. Beautiful floorboards, clear white walls, Moulin Rouge posters and black and white photos through the apartment, an edgy design for the kitchen, etc. I’d say Turquoise is a great choice for couples, even with a young child. I have spent a lot of time on my own there and have enjoyed its calm and discrete atmosphere, so I guess people having busy and stressful jobs would enjoy the apartment.

Turquoise kitchen

Turquoise kitchen

How did you choose working with Les Studios? What do you appreciate in particular about them?

Les Studios were recommended to us from the agent who sold us the apartment and I couldn’t believe how conveniently located they were for me. I appreciated that the staff is competent and reliable, as well as welcoming to tenants. The fact that I could speak with their employees in 3 different languages was also a fun and social experience. They were very quick and reliable at getting things done and I valued this as my time in France is always limited, so I couldn’t have dealt with slow or inefficient agents! I really enjoyed spending time and getting to know Les Studios’ crew last year. With Jym and the others the connection was pretty simple: the mutual respect and trust between us was very positive and definitely a good thing for the future of Turquoise.


Do they take good care of your property? Are you happy renting Turquoise with Les Studios?

Since Les Studios had the apartment to manage, I have had the best support from them. Just knowing that there is someone there taking your call, passing the information around to staff and dealing with it in less than an hour, it’s great! Especially when five thousands of kilometers away, you just need reliable people around the apartment.



How long have you been working with the agency? Why do you stay with us?

We’ve worked together for about a year now. I’m with Les Studios as they are great with their services and managing the apartment for Internet connections, keys etc. What’s more, all tenants made compliments on the way they were received by the staff. So why changing agents when everything works perfectly and people are happy?

What brings you to Paris?

Paris is an amazing city for me. Not only do I love its history and value its architectural treasures, but the beauty of its buildings and streets never cease to amaze me, I can walk forever. For my wife and me, Paris is also an ideal pied-a-terre in France. For us, spending time in the city means concerts, operas and ballets every day! I recently met a colleague from Melbourne who said that Paris might be better than London for its numerous brilliant performances. Anyone having a look at the Officiel des Spectacles in Paris can be convinced by that, I have to go through it with a pen to avoid double-booking our evenings!

What’s your favourite chocolate creation and piece of music? Do they make a good match?

My favourite creation was probably the treat I made for the competition at the orchestra. We were playing “Swan Lake” and I got a bit carried away with the theme. I made a lake of blue gelatine where single chocolates were resting on marshmallows (very Aussie!), representing all the cygnets. The lake was also covered with black and white feathers to remind us of the Prince’s dilemma between his love and attraction for the Black and the White swan.

Mr. Dupont's Swan Lake-inspired chocolate creations

Mr. Dupont’s Swan Lake-inspired chocolate creations

So yes, I suppose that was the one for me, I love the music of Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” and this creation was just the perfect match. This year we’ll perform Prokofiev’s Cinderella and I already have some ideas for my next creation, so let’s see what comes up!

Artist and artwork side by side

Artist and artwork side by side

To hire Turquoise, please contact bookings@studiosparis.net

To become one of Les Studios’ owners and rent your apartment with us, please contact us.


Rewind on “Play-back”: Les Studios’ latest inspiring renovation project


British wallpapers, an authentic Champs Elysées theatre poster and vintage 70s chairs all come to life in the lively pastiche of Play-Back, Les Studios’ latest original apartment renovation project. With a team of experienced designers, headed by senior designer JC Peyrieux, our architecture department is here to prove that “impossible is nothing” when creating a dream world tailored to suit your fancy.

Play-Back apartment lounge. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Play-Back apartment lounge. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Completed in January 2013, Play-Back is Les Studios’ latest artistic renovation project. Fully revamped and decorated by Les Studios’ team of inspired designers, this bright and quiet one bedroom apartment will comfortably host 3 to 4 guests. Sophisticated, fancy and homely, Play-Back is a successful blend of vintage elements efficiently integrated into a contemporary design setting. Its toned and subdued colour palette inspires warmth and comfort and creates a genuinely intimate atmosphere.

Play-Back detail. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Play-Back detail. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

In tune with 2013’s major interior design trend, Play-Back features many handmade or creatively repurposed objects and materials. Those state-of-the-art items stand out and bring a fresh touch to its vibrant yet graceful design. With its revamped old chairs and hand-made leather cushions, the Play-Back project takes creativity to the next level.  Balanced by a natural look, the space’s organic modernism is the ultimate proof that Comfort is the hottest trend this season.

The Play-Back jazzy bedroom. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

The Play-Back jazzy bedroom. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Provided with a fully equipped kitchen, a living room with a TV with international channels and high speed Internet, the flat has a bright and spacious master bedroom with an en-suite shower room, a large dressing cabinet and a cozy office corner for your musings by the window.

Your lovely office space by the window. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Your lovely office space by the window. Designed by: Les Studios de Paris

Located at the heart of romantic Montmartre, right next to the unique vineyards and the Sacré-Coeur Basilica, it is only a few metro stops away from the city center and the major Parisian touristic spots.

Play-back’s creator and senior designer at Les Studios, JC Peyrieux, talks Inspiration and Decision-making during the flat’s renovation process.



         Does “Play-Back” belong to a certain interior design style?

Rather than employing a “whole design” approach, lately I’ve been attracted by apartments furnished with selections of items subject to individual liking. That could be pieces you bought or inherited, items that used to be your friends’ or parents’, things that just stroke your fancy.

In Play-Back each piece of furniture has been chosen independently, without necessarily belonging to the style of the rest. We want to be encircled by furniture or accessories which mean something, which make us smile and ultimately transform our place into a home. Basically, if your apartment is furnished only with objects you like, who cares if they are the same style or not?

            How did you choose the “look / feel” of Play-back?

I like the 50s-70s mix of it all, with a modern/classy all-round atmosphere. The apartment has a certain elegance with its dark wooden floor and wooden frames on the wall, which I used to define the wall paper panels. To sum up, I wanted this place to look like someone’s apartment instead of a designer’s product. The owner gave me “carte blanche”, which in general gives me wings to create something original and personal.

           How did the decoration process unfold?

I did not have a big budget and wanted to make something interesting so I bought all the furniture cheap from flea markets and “Le bon coin”. I have sanded, repainted and repaired them all. They form quite an odd bunch – a “country style” oak table, repainted 70s chairs, a 1940′s desk, a 70s bedside table. The English brand wallpaper “Osborne & Little” was used as a stylish addition meant to make a strong statement and add some “relief” to the bedroom. The “Frères Jacques” poster which was applied as a wallpaper in the tiny but cozy office corner, is a vintage print from the “Théâtre des Champs Elysées”. The colors matched perfectly with the green cushions. I made the leather cushions myself from leather panels I’d bought in Paris. I used some IKEA accessories (vases, mosaic mirrors, picture frames) and chose a few fabrics at ZARA HOME. As a final point, Play-back is the practical example that you can achieve more with less.

      Who is Play-Back intended for?

The place looks like home – it has a cozy personality, but also radiates dynamic energy and rhythm. I wanted it to manifest a bit of sophistication with a bit of a vintage look. I think it appeals to both men and women, as it is masculine in its structure and feminine in its details…

         What do you like best about Play-Back’s new look?

I like the wallpaper and the mix of “earthy colours” – khaki, mustard, sand, dark wood and marble all add character and a homely feeling to the apartment. The kitchen is tiny, yet perfectly equipped. We managed to put everything in – oven, microwave, fridge, dishwasher and all appliances. The great thing with this 38 sq. m. apartment is that it has all the features of a much larger flat – a proper entrance, a separate kitchen, a separate WC with sink, a lounge and dining area, a master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom, walk-in shower, storage, large dressing cabinets and even a tiny office space. My favorite room is the bedroom – I purchased the wall lights cheap at Castorama and adapted them to have a wire and switch on its side. I like the touch of bright green and yellow that jazzes up the classiness of the wall paper.

To rent Play-Back, please contact bookings@studiosparis.net

To have your apartment designed /renovated by us, please contact us.

Spring Redefined

Aki boulanger's springtime Tiramisu showcasing Japanese matcha green tea instead of bitter Italian cocoa

Aki boulanger’s springtime Tiramisu showcasing Japanese matcha green tea instead of bitter Italian cocoa

If spring is all about favouring new beginnings, then here’s a smart, green, flavourful touch to it.

Revamping a classically Italian tiramisu by giving it a Japanese edge?

That’s what Aki, the Japanese pastry chef, ventured in his bakery on 16, Rue Sainte Anne (a street worth exploring for its Japanese eateries and markets dealing in outlandish foods, such as wasabi-scented sesame, rice curry crackers, pickled ginger and sugar-coated fish, to name but a few).

But back to the sweet side of life…

A look at Aki’s counter will tell you that this corner bakery does have a thing for matcha (fine powder high quality green tea). Besides the redefined tiramisu, you will find some matcha éclairs or the surprisingly pretty matcha marble cake.

So if  you have a liking for all things green, why not give it a shot? Plus, what better way to celebrate the arrival of spring in Paris?

“Good News” from the Underground


If you’re a regular of the Parisian metro, you might have already swished by the curiously named “Bonne Nouvelle” (or “Good news”) metro station.

Bonne  Nouvelle Station. Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

Bonne Nouvelle Station. Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

Named after the district of Bonne-Nouvelle, which in turn owes its name to the nearby church of Notre-Dame de Bonne-Nouvelle (or “our lady of good news”, referring to the Annunciation), this metro station does have a name to impress. 

However, if the name’s meaning comes as a disappointment and you’d have preferred a different, more imaginative sort of explanation, you’re more than welcome to imagine your own “good news theory” yourself.

What else could the “good news” actually stand for?

We bet that this underground “trip in the trip” could transform your otherwise glum ride into a much more gleeful undertaking.

The Bonne Nouvelle Hollywood inspired signage. Picture: Wikipedia

The Bonne Nouvelle Hollywood inspired signage. Picture: Wikipedia

As if the strange name wasn’t enough, the metro station’s signage verges on the extraordinary no less than its wording. If you looked close enough, you’d notice that the wavy font used in the Bonne Nouvelle station signage is printed in a fashion similar to the well-known Hollywood Sign. The station was designed using a cinema theme in celebration of the centenary of the subway and as a tribute to the area’s contribution to the theatrical and cinematic arts.   

The original Hollywood Sign. Picture: Wikipedia

The original Hollywood Sign. Picture: Wikipedia

So the next time you stop by, do take a look, and choose what your personal “good news” for the day would be – who knows, they might very well come true, after all?

Living in America!


Have it the American way in a 100 % “back to the 50s” atmosphere

an HD Diner interior

An HD Diner interior

With its bubble gum pink and baby blue interior, its rockabilly soundtracks, the take on American cuisine and some landmark USA props (old Coke signs, a jukebox, retro phone boxes and a bunch of New World posters), HD Diner Back to the 50s makes for a nice change of scenery in modern-day Paris.

So, there you go!

If you want to take a breath from the predominantly Haussmanian look of the city and enter this brave new world for an hour or so, you could very well take the American Express at the price of a Strawberry Milkshake or a Caffè Americano (not that much for the food honestly, the place is worth visiting more for the atmosphere).

So put on your “blue suede shoes” or your “hi-heel sneakers” and go “get your mojo working” in the next HD Diner, ’cause there’s a “whole lotta shakin’ goin’on” there or so it seems…

A la rencontre de l’équipe des Studios de Paris…


Fondés en 2004 par Eva Léandre, Les Studios de Paris forment un cocktail unique entre agence de location, studio de design d’intérieur et galerie d’art. Ces différentes fonctions tendent cependant toutes vers le même objectif – créer de la beauté, comme le prouvent nos projets au carrefour de l’art et de la décoration d’intérieur.

Ce petit aperçu des coulisses des Studios de Paris vous permettra de savoir qui contacter en fonction de votre demande.

Eva Léandre, CEO Les Studios de Paris Jym Montfort, Global Hotel manager & Chef Isabelle Garnier, Directrice Financière


Louer un appartement :

Qu’il s’agisse d’un court séjour, d’une location à plus long terme ou d’un coup de tête de dernière minute, nous ferons de votre venue à Paris un événement mémorable. Nous vous offrons plus qu’un simple logement, une véritable expérience esthétique. Vous voulez séjourner dans l’atelier de Picasso à Montmartre ? Vous offrir une suite de luxe sur l’Île Saint-Louis ? Ou jouer les Christophe Colomb sur une péniche amarrée aux bords de Seine ? Quels que soient vos souhaits, nous pouvons vous proposer un appartement adapté à vos besoins et à votre budget pour faire de votre séjour à Paris une expérience unique.

Mettre un appartement en location :

Nos propriétaires ont une haute idée du rôle de la décoration d’intérieur dans l’art de vivre à la française. Si vous avez un appartement à Paris que vous souhaitez le mettre en location pour une durée courte ou longue, nos agents peuvent vous proposer  une gestion complète de votre bien (comprenant tous les services d’intendance) ainsi que l’évaluation de sa valeur locative ou foncière, sa rénovation, sa décoration et sa commercialisation via notre site.

Marjorie Jing Vincent Sébastien

Pour louer un appartement, veuillez contacter Marjorie, Jing, Vincent ou Sébastien de notre service Réservations (bookings@studiosparis.net).

Si vous souhaitez mettre votre appartement en location, merci de contacter  owners@studiosparis.net


Aux Studios De Paris, nous savons que chaque appartement est unique et que chacun de nos clients a des besoins différents. C’est pourquoi nous voulons faire de votre pied-à-terre à Paris un lieu aussi singulier que la ville elle-même. Que vous rénoviez votre appartement pour y vivre, le louer, le vendre ou l’utiliser ponctuellement, nous vous proposons un service personnalisé prenant en compte toutes les particularités de votre projet de rénovation – augmentant ainsi la valeur de votre bien sans sacrifier le style. Cerise sur le gâteau, il n’est pas nécessaire que vous soyez sur place : notre équipe de designers et maîtres d’œuvre peut mener votre projet à distance.

Jean-Christophe Peyrieux, Senior Interior Designer Lefteris Dotsios, Interior and Fashion designer Veronica Solari, Interior Designer
Pour vos projets de rénovation, contactez Jean-Christophe Peyrieux, Veronica Solari ou Lefteris Dotsios (architecte@studiosparis.net)


Qui n’a jamais rêvé d’un chez-soi à Paris ? Un appartement que vous pourriez utiliser quand vous voulez et louer quand vous n’y êtes pas ? Notre équipe d’agents immobiliers professionnels, architectes, architectes d’intérieur, juristes et professionnels de l’hôtellerie fera de vos rêves une réalité. Dites-nous quel type de bien vous plairait et nous partirons à sa recherche. Nos biens disponibles à la vente sont aussi divers que fascinants : actuellement, vous pouvez choisir entre un loft au Trocadéro, un château français de la Renaissance ou même un terrain sur l’Olympe, en Grèce, avec vue sur la mer !

Siegfried Knebel

Siegfried Knebel

Vous souhaitez acheter à Paris ? Contactez notre Directeur des Ventes, Siegfried Knebel (sales@studiosparis.net)


Qu’il s’agisse d’un dîner cinq étoiles concocté par notre chef rien que pour vous, d’une coiffure glamour pour une soirée spéciale à Paris, d’une initiation à la langue française par un professeur particulier, de mettre à votre disposition un personal shopper ou un chauffeur, ou encore de vous réserver  des billets d’Opéra, de concert ou de théâtre – Nous vous proposons les services qui feront de votre séjour à Paris une expérience inoubliable. Les Studios de Paris vous permettent de conjuguer les services d’un hôtel et l’authenticité d’un appartement, alors,  laissez-nous nous occuper des détails et ne vous souciez de rien…

Barbara Nelly Golan Acim Dominique

Pour en savoir plus sur nos services de conciergerie, appelez Barbara ou Nelly (services@studiosparis.net) ou prenez contact avec vos hôtes d’accueil, Golan, Acim ou Dominique.


Situé en plein cœur de Montmartre, Les Studios de Paris se veut fidèle à la réputation du quartier, qui abrite le plus d’artistes au mètre carré au monde. Notre galerie est un endroit accessible à tous où sont organisées de nombreuses expositions d’art contemporain : peinture, sculpture, installations… Nous sommes fiers de parrainer des artistes en phase avec notre philosophie esthétique. Nous vous attendons au 2, rue Androuët, à Montmartre.

Les Studios de Paris Gallery Mechthild Kalisky, Sculpteur Interior gallery reception Gallery Mechthild et Eva Gallery Mechthild & Jym Marbre Cols et chemises en plomb Façade Gallery reception vernissage Mechthild Kalisky exterior Reception Vernissage Mechthild Kalisky Chemises en plomb by Mechthild Kalisky Gallery - Les Studios de Paris


Que vous soyez parisien ou de visite dans la « Ville Lumière », nous cherchons à vous ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives sur Paris. Notre plume, Victoria, a pour mission de débusquer les meilleurs plans de la capitale et de vous en faire profiter via notre newsletter mensuelle et notre blog.

Victoria David

Pour toutes questions ou suggestions sur notre contenu créatif, veuillez écrire à Victoria (news@studiosparis.net). Pour toute question relative au marketing, veuillez contacter David Bustamante (marketing@studiosparis.net)

Toute l’équipe des Studios de Paris espère que vous avez apprécié la visite et espère vous rencontrer très prochainement !

Comme un avant-goût de printemps…


La nouvelle ligne gastronomique des Studios !

Suivez notre chef Jean-Yves Montfort (Jym) dans une délicieuse escapade gastronomique grâce à ses nouveaux  chutneys et confitures maison conçus exclusivement pour les Studios, et que nos clients pourront découvrir dans certains de nos appartements ou acheter à la réception de notre Cloud Hotel.

Les Studios' homemade delicacies
Les confitures faites maison des Studios

Les créations délicieuses et authentiquement françaises de Jean-Yves Montfort  ont été conçues tout spécialement pour faire découvrir à nos clients les saveurs authentiques de la France…

C’est en réfléchissant à de nouvelles manières de satisfaire nos clients que nous avons développé notre gamme de confitures maison. Celles-ci sont réalisées par nos soins et exclusivement pour nos locataires – vous ne les trouverez nulle part dans le commerce.

Les confitures et chutneys aux couleurs des Studios se dégustent  au petit-déjeuner ou à n’importe quel autre moment de la journée. Certains se marieront parfaitement aux fromages, foie gras ou vins, tandis que d’autres seront délicieux en toast.

Tasty and original is in the recipe of each of our creations

Ingrédients de nos confitures : authenticité et saveurs uniques

Notre confiture de Mirabelles à la Vanille relevée par une note de Gewürztraminer accompagnera parfaitement le Comté.

Pour quelque chose avec plus de caractère, mais toujours aussi sophistiqué, tournez-vous vers notre Chutney d’Oignons à la Crème de Cassis, dont les saveurs sublimeront les viandes rouges et les foies gras.

Les notes acidulées de notre confiture aux Framboise, Rhubarbe et Epices réveilleront vos papilles.

Enfin, notre confiture Pomme Gingembre accompagnera aussi bien un magret de canard que des viandes blanches, du foie gras, ou un fromage de chèvre ou de brebis.

The apple and ginger in the making
Coté cuisine : préparation de la confiture Pomme Gingembre

*Quelques questions à Jean-Yves Montfort…

A quoi pensiez-vous en développant la nouvelle ligne gastronomique des Studios?

Je veux que nos clients se sentent vraiment chez eux lorsqu’ils dégustent l’une de mes confitures. Ce sont des produits préparés avec amour et passion, exclusivement pour les clients des Studios. De manière générale, il est dans l’esprit des Studios d’utiliser tous les moyens possibles pour créer et partager des émotions avec nos clients, et ces moyens incluent, bien sûr, la gastronomie.

Qu’est-ce qui différencie les confitures des Studios de Paris de celles disponibles en supermarché?

Nous n’utilisons que des produits frais, qu’il s’agisse de fruits, d’épices ou d’herbes aromatiques. Notre méthode de fabrication est traditionnelle et nous n’utilisons ni colorants ni conservateurs. Il en résulte un goût naturel, fruité, délicieux – en somme, une confiture digne de celles de nos grand-mères…

Comment avez-vous sélectionné les différents parfums?

Je cherchais à faire quelque chose d’à la fois unique et délicieux. Nos produits sont très variés, il y en a donc pour tous les goûts. J’ai choisi ces parfums car ils me plaisent, mais aussi parce que je pense qu’ils seront autant de Madeleines de Proust pour tous ceux qui y goûteront – leurs parfums simples mais bons sont de plus en plus rares de nos jours, du fait de nos modes de vie urbains et de la standardisation des goûts…


Chef Jym en cuisine

A offrir ou à s’offrir, nos confitures et chutneys sont vendus à la Réception de notre Cloud Hotel, au 4, Rue Androuët, Paris. Ils feront le bonheur des gourmets du monde entier qui sauront reconnaître le savoir-faire culinaire français. 

La Mascotte: Living the Legend of old Montmartre


This high-end restaurant is created for the times when you wish to pamper yourself or have a special occasion to toast and celebrate.


La Mascotte facade

The spirit of “vieux Montmartre” is pretty much alive at La Mascotte, one of the hill’s emblematic and authentic Parisian brasseries located on the picturesque Rue des Abbesses. Dating from 1889 (the year that saw the inaugural of two other indispensable Parisian landmarks, the Eiffel Tower and the Moulin Rouge), this old-fashioned bar and brasserie welcomes everyone – from colourful regulars gossiping around the bar to curious first-timers who came to savour the restaurant’s celebrated seafood platters.  

Scrumptious and exquisite - La Mascotte's seafood platters

Scrumptious and exquisite – La Mascotte’s seafood platters

A great spot to mingle with the locals, enjoy a glass of chilled Chablis or feast on mussels and prawns, this is the place to go for an exceptional lobster or oyster fiesta in Montmartre.

With its classic dining room featuring Art Deco décor, wood-paneled and mirrored walls and signature green banquettes, this neighborhood restaurant has local color galore.  Its amicable personnel, great service and authentic Parisian atmosphere render a dinner at La Mascotte into your favourite French movie scene, starring you.

La Mascotte's dining room

La Mascotte’s dining room

Catering some of Paris’ best fruits de mer, La Mascotte has been serving regional French products for over a century. Delivered “straight from the farm” to create some of the most beloved classics of French cuisine, the pork, ham and sausages come from premium free-range pigs in Cantal, the beef originates from the Joffrois family butcher in Pierrefort and the fish and seafood, which are the restaurant’s specialty, are brought in fresh daily, straight off the boat in Brittany or from the best Atlantic fish farms.

La Mascotte's cherry clafoutis for a beautiful finish to your dinner

La Mascotte’s cherry clafoutis for a beautiful finish to your dinner

To explore the chef’s gastronomic mood of the day, go for the set three-course meal menu. Whether you pick the spiced velouté d’asperges (asparagus cream soup), the excellent steak tartare, the warming potée auvergnate (pork stew) or the moist rum baba cake, you will come to understand that at La Mascotte no choice is unfortunate.

La Mascotte,

Rue des Abbesses, 75018, Paris, Montmartre

Restaurant opened daily from 12pm to 3pm and from 7pm to 12am

(Saturdays and Sundays from 12pm to 12am)


Paris on Cloud 9


Floating above Paris with our penthouse “The Planner”

A luxurious remake of a proven classic (“An American in Paris”), the romantic image of a “mansarde à Paris” is a dream many a traveler would fancy indulging in at least once in a lifetime. “The Planner”, an incredible penthouse which sparkles bright like a star over the city, seeks to offer this unique living experience high above Paris, just below the clouds…

Right above Paris, just below the clouds with your penthouse The Planner

Right above Paris, just below the clouds with your penthouse The Planner

Originated in the 1920s, due to New York City’s rising demand for innovative deluxe urban living spaces, classical penthouses are distinguished by breathtaking views, open floor plans and luxury amenities. The penthouse of today, however, tends to incorporate modern architecture and sleek design, combined with imposing styling, magnificent views and a smart layout.

The Planner Living Room

The Planner Living Room

Those in the know say that living in a penthouse feels like capturing all the happiness in the world and treasuring it on your very own “top of the world”. Besides being the most desired love shack, this top floor apartment can be the perfect place to entertain family and friends or to enjoy magical moments, such as watching the sun at dusk or drinking your first cup of coffee in the company of Paris, waking up.

The guests' bed by the staircase

The guests’ bed by the staircase

If the abovementioned somehow strikes your fancy, then The Planner might just be the place for you.

This astonishing duplex has windows with 360° view over the whole of Paris and the hill of Montmartre.  Teamed with the stunning views, it sports a simple, yet sophisticated style, one of its most spectacular assets being the ceiling windows, each inviting a different Parisian landmark to naturally become part of the interior.

Food tastes better with a view of the Sacré Coeur...

Food tastes better with a view of the Sacré Coeur…

As you enter the apartment, there is a hallway with a cloak-room, a bathroom and a separate WC.

The stairs take you up to the main living space, where each skylight offers wonderful views on all of Paris’ famous monuments thus filling the space with unique and authentic charm.


Your stairway to heaven on Earth

Abounding in natural light, the apartment is spacious and welcoming. Simplicity, openness and light are the principal elements defining this contemporary living space. Design-wise, textures and colours are kept natural providing a contemporary yet warm ambiance reflecting the lightness of the penthouse.

The living room has a lounge area with a leather angle couch and a red sofa to further brighten up the space and give it a bit more color. A dining area with a view on the Sacré Coeur Basilica, an office area with a computer and a pull out double bed for extra guests are to be found on the same floor. A library adds a warm glow and complements the space’s homely feel.

Your living room's got company - it's the Eiffel Tower!

Your living room’s got company – it’s the Eiffel Tower!

Equipped with dressing cabinets, the violet master bedroom is cozy and quiet, with a view on Montmartre.

Accented with pops of color and a guitar, the second bedroom has two single beds (trundle bed that can be made into two singles or one double bed) and a breathtaking south-facing view on Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

Fresh and cozy under the stars - the second bedroom

Fresh and cozy under the stars – the second bedroom

Modern comfort has not been left behind in the luminous and fully equipped kitchen. Just pop on its sunlit breakfast counter to enjoy your first sip of Paris for the day.

With the city center just 15 minutes by metro, The Planner is located on the trendy Place des Abbesses, famous for its authentic French style, designer stores, countless bars and traditional restaurants. After the unforgettable experience of dining in one of the Butte’s famous brasseries or wandering the windy streets of Montmartre, your very last task for the day would be to relax and simply enjoy the spirit of your stylish penthouse apartment peeping into the magic of Paris.

Now, who doesn’t like that?

There you go, your eye to the world...

There you go, your eye to the world…

To hire The Planner, please contact bookings@studiosparis.net

To rent your apartment with us, please contact us at contact@studiosparis.net

Dérive au-dessus de Paris grâce à notre penthouse « The Planner »


Qui n’a jamais rêvé de revisiter le film « Un Américain à Paris » ou de rentrer dans l’univers de « La mansarde à Paris » ? L’incroyable penthouse, « The Planner », cherche à vous offrir une expérience comparable, unique, sous le ciel de Paris.

Right above Paris, just below the clouds with your penthouse The Planner

Apparus en réponse à l’augmentation de la demande d’appartements de luxe à New York dans les années 1920, les penthouses se caractérisent par leur vue à couper le souffle, leurs beaux volumes et leurs équipements haut de gamme. Aujourd’hui, les penthouses sont de plus en plus modernes et leurs contours imposants sont adoucis par des lignes pures et un agencement astucieux.

The Planner Living Room

Selon certains, vivre dans un penthouse serait comme puiser tout le bonheur du monde et le conserver précieusement rien que pour soi. Vu comme un cocon très convoité, The Planner, situé au dernier étage d’un bel immeuble, est un lieux parfait pour vivre en famille, partager de bons moments entre amis ou apprécier des instants magiques comme admirer le coucher de soleil ou boire une tasse de café le temps que Paris s’éveille.

The guests' bed by the staircase

Si vous vous reconnaissez dans ces quelques lignes, alors The Planner est certainement fait pour vous.

Cet appartement possède une vue à 360° sur Paris et la butte de Montmartre. Au travers de chacune de ses fenêtres, on peut apercevoir un monument de Paris. Cette ouverture et cette proximité avec l’extérieur donnent l’impression que les monuments font parti du décor intérieur.

Food tastes better with a view of the Sacré Coeur...

Lorsque vous pénétrez dans l’appartement, vous arrivez dans un hall avec un vestiaire, une salle de bain et un WC séparé.


Les escaliers vous mènent, ensuite, jusqu’à la pièce à vivre, où chacun des velux illuminent l’espace, vous offrant ainsi un charme unique et authentique. Simplicité, ouverture de l’espace et luminosité sont les principaux éléments qui définissent cette pièce à vivre contemporaine. Conçue judicieusement, les textures et les couleurs naturelles apportent une ambiance chaleureuse.

Your living room's got company - it's the Eiffel Tower!
Le coin salon est égayé d’un canapé d’angle en cuir rouge, qui apporte de la couleur à la pièce. La salle à manger offre une vue sur la Basilique du Sacré Cœur. Sur le même étage, un lit placard vous permet de recevoir des invités pour la nuit. La librairie ajoute un ton chaleureux et accentue le sentiment de simplicité.

La chambre principale, de couleur violette, est un espace douillet et calme. Elle est équipée d’un dressing et possède une jolie vue sur Montmartre.

La seconde chambre colorée et décorée d’une guitare possède un lit gigogne (lit simple qui peut être transformé en un lit double ou deux lits simples) et une vue extraordinaire sur Paris et sa Tour Eiffel.

Fresh and cozy under the stars - the second bedroom

La cuisine lumineuse est toute équipée ce qui apporte beaucoup de confort. Grâce à son bar ensoleillé, vous pouvez prendre votre petit déjeuner, paisiblement, le matin.

The Planner est situé Place des Abbesses, cœur du Montmartre authentique, animé par ses magasins, ses nombreux bars et ses restaurants traditionnels. Après un dîner gastronomique à la Mascotte ou à la Pomponette, brasseries phares de la Butte, vous pourrez vous relaxer en profitant simplement de votre penthouse, bercé par le chant des oiseaux.

Une vie de rêve ?

There you go, your eye to the world...
Elle vous attend au Planner !


To rent your apartment with us, please contact us


C comme Café


As spring arrives, the capital’s famed sidewalk café culture comes to life. Gleefully basking in the sun on a pavement terrace, there is nothing more Parisian than taking your time, espresso-in-hand, in your favourite café. To sample this essential slice of traditional French life, just sit back, relax, sip at your “crème” and prepare to enjoy the most cherished Parisian pastime – admiring the moveable feast…

The stardom of a Parisian café on Champs-Elysées. Picture courtesy of Kalin Petrov

The stardom of a Parisian café on Champs-Elysées. Picture courtesy of Kalin Petrov

The meaning:                   café = cafe 

The history:                      

“The café counter is people’s parliament”, Balzac said once and he is no less correct today. The city’s throbbing heart, a center of social and culinary life, Paris cafés have been around for centuries, the oldest one still operating at 13, Rue de l’Ancienne Comédie (”Café Procope”, founded in 1686). A relaxation spot, a neighbourhood hub or a gossip matrix, this is the place to put your finger on the pulse of the city.

A night café. Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

A night café. Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The philosophy:

The Parisian café is where you need to go should you want to exchange ideas, get familiar with local politics or, simply, “reinvent the world”. Once the agora for discussing Rousseau’s and Voltaire’s forbidden works, those revolutionary hives were the boardrooms where the attack on the Tuileries was planned. In the beginning of the 20th century, the world’s future was being staked between 2 glasses of absinthe in the French cafés. Later on, French presidents used them as an arena to celebrate their victories. Today, the space in Parisian cafés is no less scarce and the individual distance between you and your neighbor – no less insufficient. And yet, there will always be enough space for common people, presidents and anarchists to each find their proper place in the minuscule society of a Parisian café.

"At the café" - Edouard Manet's take on the Parisian café.

“At the café” – Edouard Manet’s take on the Parisian café.

The menu:                        

Feeling “lost in translation” with your French menu already? Here are a few classical suggestions to opt for. Get a “café crème” to ease your morning rush, a savory “croque monsieur” or a sweet “tarte Tatin” to perk up your afternoon break and a “kir royal” to saunter away your evening…

Wondering begins...

Wondering begins…

The variety:                      

If you have a thing for historical settings, try your luck in Café de La Paix[1]. A renowned Parisian institution declared a historic site by the French government in 1975, this café welcomed Georges Clemenceau during the victory celebrations commemorating the end of WWI.


Café de la Paix, a Parisian institution. Picture courtesy of http://www.cafedelapaix.fr/

For a coffee with a literary flavour, make your choice between Les Deux Magots[2] and Café de Flore[3], where the likes of Hemingway, Camus, Sartre and de Beauvoir used to rub shoulders while questioning the world.

Les Deux Magots. Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

Les Deux Magots. Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

Should you fancy something more trendy and hip, go for Comptoir Général and you will get so much more than a regular café. A cinema, a library, a restaurant, a curiosity cabinet, a souk, a ghostly hotel lobby, a garden, a classroom, and – last but not least – a café – are all waiting for you there. Take your pick at 80, Quai de Jemmapes.

Le comptoir General

Le comptoir General

The curious fact:

The respected Montparnasse haunt “La Closerie des Lilas” has tables named after memorable former regulars, such as Oscar Wilde, Paul Cézanne, Emile Zola, Paul Verlaine and others.

Not to be missed:          

For leaving your footprint in Paris’ “coffee and discussions” scene, try the hip Rue Oberkampf, the bohemian Canal Saint-Martin or the romantic Rue Mouffetard – all very different in spirit, but bursting with splendid opportunities for that perfect afternoon/night out…

Rue Mouffetard, Paris. Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Rue Mouffetard, Paris. Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

[1] Address : 12, Boulevard des Capucines

[2] Address : 6, place St Germain des Pres

[3] Address: 172, Boulevard Saint-Germain

Say “Cheese”!


The best places for a picnic in Paris

Trees are budding, flowers are blossoming and birds are back with their sweet morning soundtracks. With the spring sun finally wiping out the dull winter skies, Parisians begin to crack a smile or two, eager to let the good times roll again. And what better way to celebrate life’s new beginning than to unravel Paris’ most fascinating picnic locations?

My oh my, it's time for a picnic!

My oh my, it’s time for a picnic!

An “al fresco” lunch, an afternoon snack or a dinner with friends? These days, everyone should take advantage of the weather and spend their time on the grass, by the river or in the elegant shadow cast by Paris’ most remarkable landmarks.

With a crispy baguette, a mouth-melting cheese and some yummy delicatessen, life suddenly seems worth-living again!

The yummies!

The yummies!

From benches and bridges to canals, hills and gardens, the Parisian picnic map is packed with tempting possibilities to spread your checkered blanket.

But before hitting town starry-eyed, let’s stock that picnic basket of yours first.

Your essential Parisian picnic kit

A baguette

Some cheese

A bottle of wine (or beer, or cider)

Meat treats

Fresh fruit or veggies (cherry tomatoes, strawberries, radish, etc.)

Juicy starters (olives, pickles, terrines, raw vegetables and dips)

A blanket and a warm sweater (it’s still spring, after all!)

What's in the basket?

What’s in the basket?

Nice. Now that we’re done shopping, it’s time to hit the Promised Land and find the perfect spot for unpacking that basket!

By the water

Canal Saint Martin

Young, hip and less touristy than the banks of the Seine, the atmosphere of the stone banks of the Canal St. Martin make it a universally beloved place for a picnic under the branches of plane trees in the soft light of the sunset. With its length of 4.5 km you will be seated without having to make a reservation. (Metro : Gare de l’Est (line 4, 5, 7), Place de la Republique (line 3, 5, 8, 9, 11)).

Canal Saint Martin courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Canal Saint Martin courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Along the Seine 

It’s no wonder that the banks of the Seine, the square Vert Galant and the Ile Saint Louis have become legendary spots for Parisian picnic lovers. They present a gorgeous opportunity to amicably admire the passing Bateaux-Mouches, while relishing the picture postcard views of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Pont des Arts or the sleepless safeguards of Hôtel de Ville (Metro: Hôtel de Ville (lines 1, 11), Cité (line 4)).

Students enjoying the sunset by the Seine. Courtesy of Jorge Royan, Wikimedia Commons

Students enjoying the sunset by the Seine. Courtesy of Jorge Royan, Wikimedia Commons

On the grass

Parc des Buttes Chaumont

Located atop a rocky hill offering sweeping panoramic views of Paris, the Parc des Buttes Chaumont is an original place to lay down your picnic blanket. With its rolling hills, rock formations, charming lakes and waterfalls, you can enjoy the calming sounds of nature as you take to your lunch. (Metro: Buttes-Chaumont, Botzaris (line 7), Laumière (line 5)).

The spring craze at Buttes Chaumont. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The spring craze at Buttes Chaumont. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Place de Vosges

If you prefer to stay in the center of it all, why not head to the Marais and the oldest planned public square in Paris, Place des Vosges? You can easily picture yourself in the 17th century once you sit on the grass of this pretty and perfectly symmetrical square and become the last on the list of its famous temporary residents, including writer Victor Hugo, poet Théophile Gautier and Cardinal Richelieu himself. (Metro: St. Paul, Bastille (line 1)).

Place des Vosges. Cortesy of Wikimedia Commons

Place des Vosges. Cortesy of Wikimedia Commons

With a view

Les Invalides

Care for a table between the glitzy dome of Les Invalides and the opulent frame of the Alexandre III bridge? Then make the huge patches of green land stretching between them your personal “outdoor restaurant”. A night out spent on this location means dinner with a view and a reverence to French cultural heritage included. (Metro: Les Invalides, (line 13))

Les Ivalides' green carpet is there for you.  Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Les Ivalides’ green carpet is there for you. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Champ de Mars

Munching on French cheese in front of the Eiffel tower might sound like a joke but it’s actually one of the ultimate Parisian picnic experiences. To fulfill this classical fantasy, load up your basket and go set camp on the Champs de Mars, the nearly 0.5 mile of field, stretching out like a green carpet in front of the famous tower. No bad seats, we promise. (Metro: Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel (line 6), Ecole Militaire (line 8)).

See the tiny picnicking dots in the foot of the Eiffel Tower?  Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

See the tiny picnicking dots in the foot of the Eiffel Tower? Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Over the bridge

Pont des Arts

Picnicking on the wooden slats of the pedestrian Pont des Arts is a sheer movie-like experience. You can enjoy a candlelit dinner with a view of the Louvre among fellow picnickers playing guitar, blowing a sax or sketching the unequaled view. For a particularly dreamy night out, go there at sunset, when the sun gently strokes the Eiffel Tower glittering further down the river. (Metro: Pont Neuf (line 7), Louvre-Rivoli (line 1))

Pont des Arts in July. Crazy, huh? Cortesy of Wikimedia Commons

Pont des Arts in July. Crazy, huh? Cortesy of Wikimedia Commons

We hope you’ve spotted your top picnic spot in our list and are already packing that basket. Enjoy and bon appétit!

Meet the Team: Behind the curtains of Les Studios de Paris


Founded in 2004 by Eva Léandre, Les Studios de Paris is a unique conglomeration of sorts. A blend of a rental agency, an interior design studio and an art gallery – all under the same hat. What unites the odd feathers of this rara avis is our main goal – making life more beautiful, integrating art and aesthetics in all our projects.

The following “behind the scenes” tour through our agency’s major departments will help you better understand our core business philosophy and will provide you with a list of the right persons to contact in case of need.

Eva Léandre, CEO Les Studios de Paris Jym Montfort, Global Hotel manager & Chef Isabelle Garnier, Directrice Financière


Renting an apartment:

Short-term, long-term or a last minute trip, we know that coming to Paris is special for you.  That is why we provide more than just housing, we give you the key to an aesthetic experience.  You want to live in Picasso’s artistic atelier in Montmartre? Splash out like King Louis XIV in a fancy suite on l’Ile Saint Louis? Or come to be a modern Columbus on a houseboat moored on the river Seine? We’ve got the right apartment to suit your budget and needs and will do our best to grant you a singular and memorable Parisian experience.

Letting an apartment: 

As people valuing aesthetics and pure vision, our landlords work together with us on our most cherished project of transforming simple lodging into an aesthetic experience. If you have an apartment in Paris which you wish to let for long or short term, our agents can offer you complete management of your property (including promotion, publicity, cleaning services and reception of your guests) as well as assessment on renovation, decoration and/or layout.

Marjorie Jing Vincent Sébastien

For booking that perfect apartment or letting your flat with Les Studios, please contact our booking managers Marjorie, Jing, Vincent or Sébastien (bookings@studiosparis.net).

If you’d like to rent out your apartment, please contact us on owners@studiosparis.net


At Les Studios de Paris, we know that every property is unique and that all our clients have different needs. That is why we aim to make your “pied-à-terre” in Paris as unique of an experience as the city itself is. Whether you intend to live in your apartment, rent, sell or simply keep it as your “Parisian headquarters”, we can handle the singularity of your project and provide a one-to-one client service. With an approach, tailored to suit your taste, requirements, budget and lifestyle, we tackle everything from home staging flats to project managing apartment makeovers. Sensitive to both aesthetics and functionality while designing a space, we focus on increasing its market value yet never at the price of beauty and style. And the best part is: you don’t even need to be in Paris to have your apartment inventively repurposed by our team of talented professionals. We will do it all for you.

Jean-Christophe Peyrieux, Senior Interior Designer Lefteris Dotsios, Interior and Fashion designer Veronica Solari, Interior Designer

To creatively reinvent your place, contact our Senior Interior Designer Jean-Cristophe Peyrieux, Veronica Solari or Lefteris Dotsios (architecte@studiosparis.net)


Have you fantasized about having your own pied-à-terre in Paris? An apartment you could use whenever you want and rent out the rest of the time? Our team of professional realtors, architects, interior designers, jurists and hotel-branch specialists will make your plan a reality. Send us your specific requirements and we will go apartment hunting for you. Our top properties for sale are as various as they are fascinating. Currently, you can choose between a loft at Trocadero an iconic rooftop triplex with 360° views and a terrace on Montmartre (life annuity), a stunning French Rennaissance castle and even a piece of land at the foot of Mount Olympus in sunny Greece!

Siegfried Knebel

Siegfried Knebel

For more information regarding Les Studios real estate opportunities, please contact our Real Estate Sales Manager Siegfried Knebel (sales@studiosparis.net)  


A private 5-star chef dinner cooked exclusively for you, a glamorous hairdo for that special Parisian night out, initiation to the French language by a private teacher, a personal shopper, chauffeur services, reservation of opera, concert and theatre tickets  – these are just some of Les Studios’ luxury services determined to render your Parisian stay pleasant and stress-free. With Les Studios de Paris, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – the reliability of a hotel and the intimacy of a custom-made guest experience. By helping our guests enjoy their life in Paris instead of organizing it, we deem that good quality and valued travel experiences have always been high on Les Studios’ agenda.

Barbara Nelly Golan Acim Dominique

To bring yourself up to date on our luxury services, please contact Barbara or Nelly (services@studiosparis.net) or turn to your respective Local Hosts Golan, Acim or Dominique .


Situated in the heart of Montmartre, Les Studios de Paris art gallery intends to live up to the fact that Montmartre is the one place in the world with the highest concentration of artists per square meter. We provide an open space for singular art, inviting and accessible to diverse audiences. We seek to produce exhibitions that will engage you, inspire and encourage you to experience the realms of art. Curating a range of artworks (from paintings and sculptures to objects of art), our gallery’s driving philosophy is to bond art with people. We take pride in sponsoring artists who happen to be kindred spirits. Be our guest at 2, rue Androuet, Montmartre, Paris.

Les Studios de Paris Gallery Mechthild Kalisky, Sculpteur Interior gallery reception Gallery Mechthild et Eva Gallery Mechthild & Jym Marbre Cols et chemises en plomb Façade Gallery reception vernissage Mechthild Kalisky exterior Reception Vernissage Mechthild Kalisky Chemises en plomb by Mechthild Kalisky Gallery - Les Studios de Paris


Finally, the products of Les Studios de Paris’ creative and marketing strategy are exclusively developed to help you live “à la parisienne” in the City of Light. Aimed at discovering the best Paris has to offer and charged with the unique responsibility of knowing the French capital inside out, our tireless and inquisitive author goes where chance takes her, all that in order to transmit the vibe of this magical city, initiate you to its primordial secrets and bring Paris closer to you – which is the prime mission of Les Studios’ newsletter and blog.

Victoria David

For questions or suggestions on our creative content, please write to Victoria (news@studiosparis.net). For any marketing issues contact David Bustamante (marketing@studiosparis.net)

We hope you enjoyed the tour and looking forward to hearing from you!

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